Comprised of two 3-story buildings consisting of 56 apartments, GrandFamilies Place replaces an aged complex that had become a magnet for criminals. Financed through a combination of Low Income Tax Credits and non-profit monies, this community provides affordable, long-term family housing, especially for grandparents who have taken on the responsibility of raising their grandchildren. Designed with 44 two-bedroom units and 12 three bedroom units, these non-traditional families receive community support from families facing similar conditions. During final Building Plan Check, principals of GrandFamilies Place visited several projects constructed with structural insulated panels (SIPs). Interested in reducing energy and maintenance costs, and providing a healthy environment for seniors and children, they chose to convert the project drawings from conventional framing to high-performance SIPs. Due to time constraints and release of funding, the conversion included exterior shear walls only and immediate ship of 6” SIP blanks direct to a fabrication lot near the construction site. The installation time was one week per floor; rough-in closure to the roof was three weeks. Six-inch SIPs provide an R-Value of 25 and a whole wall assembly R-Value of up to ± 30 at 40°.
To meet steadily growing student housing demand, Western Wyoming College selected BKV Group to design an apartment-style residential life facility with contemporary amenities to meet student expectations. Confi gured in four-bedroom clusters with living room, kitchen, multiple station baths and storage, the project was designed to accommodate 150 beds and student service facilities.
Design elements, selection of building materials and installation procedures were considered early in the process to address the high level of abuse found in student markets, resulting in a building that is both practical and affordable. After a number of options were evaluated to reduce energy consumption and facilitate competitive pricing, it was decided to construct the building envelop and interior walls with structural insulated panels (SIPs). Using SIPs throughout the structure lowered repair costs from property abuse. The properties inherent in SIPs also decreased the cost of construction, reduced the construction schedule, allowed mechanical systems to be down-sized, and reduced energy consumption and associated lifecycle operation costs.
Some of Our Team’s Projects
The Smith Williams Senior Apartment complex is comprised of three 3-story
buildings with 80 one- and two-bedroom units that provide affordable living
for low-income senior renters. A separate one-story structure provides a clubhouse,
swimming pool and spa, weight room, movie room and library. Financed
through a public-private partnership, the project is the Nevada Housing Division’s
first faith-based supportive housing tax credit project, however, any eligible
person can rent an apartment regardless of beliefs. Reverend Sam Roberson,
pastor of Henderson Community Baptist, was inspired to have his congregation
sponsor the complex after a visit to Atlanta’s historic Wheat Street Baptist
Church. Relying on tax credits, this +$20M senior living complex was financed
largely through private lenders with participation from the city, county and the
state/federal monies dedicated to low-income housing.
About SIPs:
A high-performance, framing system, Premier SIPs have been rigorously tested
to exceed building code standards, and validate load charts and seismic design
data. An ideal product for energy efficiency, extensive testing validates that SIPs
create a tighter building envelope, exceptional IAQ and a healthier environment.
Situated in a pocket of classic oak woodlands, the Hllside House is an extensive
residential expansion for a home owned by an energy consultant. The design embraces
the site’s natural slope with rooms and stair corridors oriented toward
views. Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) not only provided the structural integrity
and energy effi ciency sought by the owner and architect, this pre-engineered
framing system achieved clean and elegant building forms and lines, and allowed
for exterior and interior finishes that are almost impossible to obtain in conventional
framing. SIPs worked in concert with steel beams and structural supports,
and provided embed cavities to hide certain conditions to gain certain design
effects. The roof panels were tapered to provide a smooth slope to the roof
barring any ‘stepped’ roof design or interior ceiling height changes. Rain gutters
were channeled into the SIPs to remove their visibility. Extensive use of can
lighting required special chase fabrication into the roof panels to accommodate
fixtures. The expertise of SHELL Building Systems with SIP design, engineering
and fabrication was the most comprehensive residential project done by any SIP
manufacture to date.